Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm now an injection veteran

I did it!

Actually, my husband did it. I had to take my first HCG shot last night at 11pm. It was definitely tough for me to stay up that late. I got everything ready around 10:45 without a problem, but I was shaking. I was sure I wouldn’t be able to do it myself, so I just asked L if he would do it.

And it went ok. It did hurt a little bit, and it seemed to take forever, and it actually still hurts a bit to touch, but I’m not nearly as freaked out for the next two (which are only half the amount, so they will be twice as fast). I may even try to do the last one myself. We’ll see.

Tomorrow is the big day. I’m crossing my fingers and just about everything else (except my legs, of course).

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